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Practice Pros Planning Guide

  • 2 Steps


A Planning Guide for Setting Inspiring Goals for your Private Practice The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan. Strategic Planning. Goal setting. Just hearing these words once sent my brain into immediate shut down mode. I felt like it was some boring but mandatory obligation that I had to consent to if my practice was going to be successful. For the first several years of my business, I moved forward with little or no structure goals in mind. Without planning, I did manage to make some progress, but my results were inconsistent and hard to measure. But I have good news for you…Not all goals are created equal. Once I discovered a new approach to setting goals and making plans, everything changed. Strategic plans from inspired goals set me on a new course for growth and success. Instead of goal setting being this flat, dry process that we engage in once but never return to…I started creating goals that drew me into the future. Download this Planning Guide and I will outline this process for you, so you can set some goals that are alive, fresh and inspiring.

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